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Fruit Jars
1145. YELLOW Quart MASONS CFJCo 1858
Listing # 1145
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : $500.00
Starting bid: $200.00
Quantity: 1
# of bids: 13
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: USA
Started: 12/7/2009 6:00:00 PM
Ended: 12/17/2009 10:09:03 PM
Seller: North American Glass
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High Bidder(s): prpljr2
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A quart shoulder seal jar embossed: "MASONS CFJCo PATENT NOV 30TH 1858" which comes in a rich yellow color with a slight olive tone. May be the closest to a true yellow that we've seen in a quart CFJ. Shiny glass throughout with no damage or stains. Normal minor flaking of the ground mouth. Comes with a good CFJCo zinc cap. Base: "G216"

This item is from the Darryl Pearson collection.

Shipping Cost: Not Supplied

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Payment Details: Check, MO, or Paypal accepted. Flat Rate Shipping $8.00 in USA + insurance. Shipping per additional item $2.00 + insurance. We ship worldwide, cost varies by location. Invoice sent via email within 24 hrs of auction end. Buyer's premium is 10%.

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